03 June 2009

Free Windows 7 Classic Edition Theme for XP SP3

Windows 7 Classic Edition for XP SP3

Standard Windows 7 RC1 Light Blue Theme.

UPDATED System Files! (If you have downloaded and installed my previous versions of Shell.dll and Sysdm.cpl, this pack will replace them.) If you haven't, these files will replace your existing ones.

Download contains:
Explorer.exe (an all new Windows Explorer with 7 style bitmaps and icons)
An optional Recycle Bin entry (just click and follow directions.)
Replacer Utility
Refresh utility.

Directions: Use the enclosed Replacer utility to put Logonui.exe, MyDocs.dll, Shell32.dll, Themeui.dll, Msgina.dll, Xpsp1res.dll, Sysdm.cpl and Mmsys.cpl into your Windows/System32 directory.
IMPORTANT! Place Explorer.exe in the WINDOWS main directory.
Restart Windows.
Click on (emptyrecyclebin.reg) if you want to add that to your context menu.
Note: It's always a good idea to back up system files you're replacing. If you don't notice a change in system icons after restarting Windows, use the enclosed refresh utility.

Author: dopeysneezy.deviantart.com

Download Here (.rar)