22 June 2009

Free iFlex Skin for WindowBlinds XP

iFlex For WindowBlinds

The skin have 6 sub-styles, 4 designed for WindowBlinds 5 or newer
and 2 for WindowBlinds 4.x

The Sub-styles

* iFlex and iFlex Compact : featuring semi transparent borders with
drop shadow, glow effects, semi transparent menus, Log Off panel ,
Shut Down panel, Please Wait panel, taskbar and more.

* iFlex (no shadows) and iFlex Compact (no shadow) : same as the
iFlex main style but without the borders with drop shadow.

* iFlex WB 4.x and iFlex WB 4.x Compact : version for
WindowBlinds 4.x (have almost the same design but without the
semi transparent parts and extra WindowBlinds 5 features.

Some other features:

- Progress animations
- Toolbar icons
- Animated throbber
- Animated start button
- Custon shell settings (UIFILE)
... and more

Author: danillooc.deviantart.com

Download Here